Do you answer "Yes" to any of these?​
Have you ever sat down at your desk or looked at your phone and not been sure what to do first?
You’ve had some success in real estate, experienced some wins, yet think you should be doing more?
Are you struggling with knowing how profitable your business is?
Have you ever considered that you could use more balance in your life between work and home?
Are the lines between scheduling me-time and work getting blurred?
Have you tried traditional/formula driven coaching and didn't gain traction or clarity?
If so, you're in the right place!

This Real Estate Mastermind is specifically created for agents to create their own Life by Design. This is not some formulaic process that turns relationships into transactions yet a foundational rebuild and deep dive into the real why, who, and then how of an individual's Real Estate business designed for purpose AND for profit!
There is a better way
In over 20 years in the industry, I used to think there were two types of successful Realtors:
1. The classic DIY agent - driven by the idea that you can just wing it with a strategy of hope and perseverance. This agent can feel like they are not "enough," can feel pulled in all directions, and this lifestyle leads to burnout. Schedules are inconsistent and you never know where or when the next commission check is coming from.
2. The "Coached" agent - structured and streamlined into the concept of steady success. This type of agent often leads with a hustle mindset, a "think bigger" approach, driven by a formula. The focus is on growth and achieving more, feeling compared to other agents and terrified of falling short even when the commission checks become consistent.
But there’s a third way. A way that leads with purpose and profit and your life by design.

Licensed in 1999, I've been serving residential real estate needs for over 22 years.
I had success being both types of the agents I described above - as the “driven, failure is not an option, DIY” agent as well as the “consistently coached “agent. Drive and the energy of a 20-year old kept me going in my DIY days. I needed the accountability of the coached agent model to balance my family life and work life in my 30s and early 40s. I had success and a strong profit year over year, but both ways left me lacking in my identity, left me longing for my choices, for a true Life By Design.
Now, I know how much money I need to support my household and my family. My measure of success has evolved into sustainability and consistency. I realized I could Design my Life and fund whatever it was I wanted to achieve!
I have coached agents as well as business owners over the past decade. Now I am serve that agent interested in the third type of success with a Mastermind that fills the void between DIY and Formulaic Coaching - creating Purpose and Profit.

Your key takeaways from this mastermind:
Define Your Why through Legacy Statement and Core Values
Define Your Strengths via a SWOT Analysis
Get Clear on Business and Personal Goals - Both Short Term and Long Term
Implement Clear Practices to reach those goals, including scheduling skills, database management, habit and journaling practice
Execute the best-in-class tools and templates to manage YOUR business
Identify Your Board of Directors for Accountability and Actions
You will know your priorities every day instead of being distracted by seemingly urgent tasks. You will know how much money’s coming in the door instead of wondering how you’re going to take care of your family. Instead of worrying about the state of the market, feel confident in the actions you’re taking every day with your clients and community.
You will develop habits so that you can plan for your monthly expenses so you’re not surprised by big cash outlays. Instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall with your marketing, you have a clear plan with clear costs and expectations. You’ll know how big your business should be for you; a business that works with your life instead of you working for your business. You will realize the freedom and security in knowing where you are at any given time with your business and profit - without having to start from scratch. You'll have a trusted system you can start using immediately.
Here's exactly what you're signing up for:
Weekly 90 minutes call - in person with virtual option if needed - over a 7 week timeframe + 1 free coaching session on how to use the Google Tracking Sheet provided to make consistent progress on designing your life and business
Limited time Facebook Group to share files, homework, questions, ahas, etc so you’re never left alone without an answer to your questions
Small group breakouts with time to mastermind around each topic to allow space for vulnerability and support
Accountability in completing the homework given each week because you get out of this what you put into this and so other people learn from your experience
Safe place to share and be vulnerable with like-minded, trusted relationships
A devoted Facilitator to guide you through exercises and homework that will change the way you look at your calendar and your database